The Daily PI #16

☀️ 0414 Sparkling, easeful, wonderfully chill day

🌔 0415 ‘Fubuki’ - Petal Blizzards, Pink Scars & the Ascent of Green

🔥 0416 Waking to a Slow Cinema of Clouds

💧 0417 Morning Viriditas smacks me in the snoot! (Quake Rumbler woke me at 11.15PM. A crow cried in the night. Creepy!)

🌲 0418 Encountering a Whirling Petal-laden Dervish (and a Kingfisher flashing along the stream!)

🏔️ 0419 Gift of a Peony

🌏 0420 Photographic Tidy Up - a Trip along Memory Lane

Kate @towittowoo