Good enough 1.4, monks on the move, swallows depart, the 'herald thought' bearing fruit?

On the way to work, astride the scooting steed, I am sitting at a traffic light and recognise the crisp black and white robes of a monk on his way to or from a memorial prayer ceremony. Equinox is the time when the veils between the worlds are thin, a busy time for those who help others with the rites of remembering.

The 21st of September is my first day back in the classroom, the last day of the micro-season of the Swallows Departing.

I recently read part of Keats’ Endymion - you know the one … “A thing of beauty is a joy forever … " and though, here, we’re a month or two away from ‘Autumn bold’, I am contemplating, as the seasons make their slow turn, this question:

What was my ‘herald thought’ last Spring that now is bearing fruit?
Kate @towittowoo