Good enough 1.1 - labyrinths, inks and other slow, wild arts

Finding this gorgeous, inviting labyrinth pic and its enticing accompanying event - such a portal for dreaming! - down the rabbit hole I went seeking to know more about the artist and the work. I found nothing about the work itself online, but oh! into the wonderful world of wild inks and pigments I wandered, and found myself in an abundance of earthy artistic goodness. So much to enjoy here!

It took me back to the days when I was learning (brush) calligraphy and I wondered, in light of these ‘wild inks’, how the solid block of ‘sumi’ I used to rub in water on an ink-stone was made and what it was made of? A beautiful video shows the ins and outs from an old Japanese company in Nara. (Give yourself 15 minutes - 12 for the film; the rest for resonance and absorption!)

I loved the elemental interdependence and the sense of reciprocity added a touching intimacy to the material. There is poetry in craft and care and how the body is involved and what gifts are made in a right relationship with time.

🎧🙏🏻This,“Slow Down” by iAmSon, I loved today. It played in the buds as I sauntered at dawn among the tickles of wild, overgrown grasses on the path. It’s a simple, soft, sweet and spacious prayer. It’s also odd and you don’t know where it’s going but it draws you along, and it’s a message I (at least) need to be reminded of!

Kate @towittowoo