#34 Warp Threads around which the Week Wove

S 0820 Up, up and A-wheeee (The Cicada Chronicles, cont’d.)

M 0821 Soupy afternoons sanctuary: the dark, green cave

T 0822 Coming Around Again (now, a police officer & public servant)

W 0823 (Away) It was a dark & stormy drive (mostly) up to the Mountains

Th 0824 (Away) Adventures & Discoveries

F 0825 (Away) Soaking in the sento at 5AM with the Morning Star

S 0826 (There & back) Return, grateful

View of Mt Daisen in the distance. Pale blue & cloudy sky. A field, mostly green. A large pine to one side, a white wooden fence in the foreground.
Kate @towittowoo