First Fruits


🙏🏻 17th Week in Ordinary Time

☀️ This is the second micro-season of the season of Major Heat … Damp Earth Humid Heat (Jul 28 – Aug 01)

🌽 🫐 🍑Lammas

🌕 Here comes the Red Moon, opening the Blue Moon Bracket of August, 2023

‘All summations,’ wrote poet Mary Oliver in “What I Have Learned So Far,” ‘have a beginning.’ Every harvest has its first seed; something I am thinking about in this season of ripening.

At the top of the temple steps early this morning I came across my first cicada shell. ((Shall I call you Peter, perhaps?)[]) The singer has shrugged off its shade, all sung out. Transcended? I like to imagine so.

This does not diminish the shake, shimmer and whirr of the rest of the exultant hopefuls, God’s mad choristers. Daily, a million musical wings make torrents of sizzling, shimmering, hot summer sound. It is, for me, one of the joys of each summer to be soaked in it.

Fresh cool peaches and blueberries with breakfast.

This week’s email signature haiku, from Shiki:

鳴きやめて飛ぶ時蝉の身ゆるなり nakiyamete tobutoki semi no miyuru nari

The singing stopped a flying cicada I saw it!

Kate @towittowoo